Case Study: Long Life Polyurethane Blade

A client in Western Australia contacted REMA TIP TOP to provide a solution for the issues they were having with fast wearing polyurethane belt cleaner blades.
The client needed a polyurethane blade that could last their increasing shutdown cycle. The challenge was to create a polyurethane blade that
could have a minimum 18 week life cycle whilst offering optimal cleaning efficiency from installation.
This would eliminate downtime, expose the workforce to less risk and increase plant availability. It would also offer the client an ideal substitution for applications where tungsten carbide is no longer effective due to damage or wear on a conveyor belt.
The client was having continuous issues with polyurethane belt cleaner blade life. After trailing various options to get extended life out of the
blades, the client still had wear issues replacing them every 10-12 weeks.
The client had a blade life target of 18 weeks to tie in with their increasing shutdown schedule to eliminate the need for downtime during operation that was adding significant risk to the workforce and cost to the mine by stopping critical belts for belt cleaner maintenance. The client had previously tried backing the belt cleaner off once fully worn but this created bigger issues through excessive carry back until
opportune maintenance could occur.
Previously used blades after 10 weeks service.
After visiting the clients operation it was recommended due to the harshness of the environment, belt speed and conveyor run time that
the REMACLEAN XHD LONG LIFE BLADE be installed. This particular blade is Engineered in Germany for similar applications used all over the world.
After 18 weeks non stop service life the blades were showing 60% wear remaining something no other blade on site had previously achieved.
It was obvious blade life had significantly increased leaving the client satisfied that the REMACLEAN blade was the solution moving forward.